Been a while
So, it looks like I’m going to have to amend the 60-day no break thing a bit 🙂 I’d love to say that I just had full days and couldn’t get home in time to write but the truth be…
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So, it looks like I’m going to have to amend the 60-day no break thing a bit 🙂 I’d love to say that I just had full days and couldn’t get home in time to write but the truth be…
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One of the things I do at work is teach. I’m one of the lead instructors and rather enjoy that part of the job. In any typical day, something new will come my way that I didn’t know before….
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Though I can’t say for sure, I am willing to bet that I’ve been a sci-fi geek from the start. I’ve really loved anything having to do with fantasy, super-heroes, and of course sci-fi. Today, there is shortage of movies,…
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Ok, so today is a huge jackpot for the Indiana Lottery…a billion dollars or something silly like that. Now, I don’t hold any illusions that I’ve got the winning ticket or anything similar. One fun thing about playing it when…
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Today, I spent a good portion of the day teaching and troubleshooting. I rather enjoy both of them but boy can they be a lot of work. Not physically so much as mentally. When I was younger, I remember thinking…
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One thing I know about myself is that I go through phases. Some days, I have an appetite for music and prefer to use anytime I have to listen to some of my favorite songs. Other-times, it’s podcasts, radio-dramas, books…
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So, I was talking with Rhonda and explaining how I really don’t enjoy how Live Journal handles their journal entries anymore. It really feels like the only way they really want you to use their software is if you pay…
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When I first became and ‘adult’ way back when (and it’s way too many years for me to mention), I had assumed that one of the things I would have to give up were the silly games that I play,…
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I know, I know technically last weekend was the first weekend. However, I don’t really see how you can have a weekend without a week of work and I wasn’t working last week so this is the first weekend of…
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Like every other working American (and pretty much other industrial country I’m sure) I spend a good portion of my day at work. When I get home, my mind wants to relax and enjoy the time off before I have…
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