Like every other working American (and pretty much other industrial country I’m sure) I spend a good portion of my day at work. When I get home, my mind wants to relax and enjoy the time off before I have to get back to the grind so to speak (I honestly don’t work a grinding style job but that’s a conversation for another day). So, what constitutes such ‘relaxing’. As it turned out, today it was some dry-walling (many things to a good friend for the help here) and oddly enough learning to program in Java.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I’ve spend many of days playing games, reading, watching TV, etc to relax but I really find it odd that one could find comfort learning to do things that quite frankly are a challenge (and in case you’re curious, Dry-walling is a LOT harder than Java…at least it is for me). I do love the fact that I am still learning new things and am having a good time doing so. Though this isn’t ‘officially’ a part of my New Years resolution, it certainly is something I’ve tried multiple times in the past (Java that is…drywall is completely new) but I really feel that I’ll make headway this time.
Of course, the motivation for the Java is so that I can design my own games because what I’m looking for isn’t quite out there and (in my mind) it should be. So, how long with this last…keep reading and we’ll see if I stop writing or stop Java first 🙂