So, it looks like I’m going to have to amend the 60-day no break thing a bit 🙂 I’d love to say that I just had full days and couldn’t get home in time to write but the truth be told I was playing video games and that was a bit more fun than the prospect of writing. The only thing to do is get back on the horse and continue on.
As it turned out, the weekend was actually quite eventful. The basement pump went out and we were having electrical problems to boot. The wife and I were fearful that there was some major damage and the fix would be both time-consuming and expensive. Luckily, we were able to troubleshoot the problem electrically (actually she did most of it and I held the tools) and figure out we had a bad plug in the wall. It looked like it had opened up the circuit and everything beyond it was dead. Ten dollars later, we had a couple of plugs and before long the electrical and pump problem was as good as gone. Very happy ending if I do say so myself.
I also spent a fair amount of time playing a post-apocalyptic game called Wasteland 2. I’ve got to say that it’s been a lot of fun. More so, there haven’t been any zombies yet. The game feels more like Mad Max than anything and you play a character that actually feels like a good guy. Trying to do the right thing and get people back on their feet while sending the bad guys to their graves. There have certainly been some elements that didn’t have a real good ending or both sides of s decision were pretty bad but the majority of the game has been a lot more upbeat and you really feel like you’re making a difference. Honestly, with all the really depressive themes typically present in such a setting it’s actually refreshing to see something that has a positive spin on it. It has made me consider doing some writing in that vein. I may try something in the near future.
-Talk laters…